Art Show and Auction for Sunsar Maya

Creative love for Sunsar Maya! Earlier this month, Christine White decided to use her talents to raise money for the children of Sunsar Maya. Christine is an incredible artist and had her first solo art show at Wave Lengths Salon and Gallery in Redlands, CA. The evening included an art show, silent auction, and presentation about Sunsar Maya. Christine graciously offered her piece, “Swords into Ploughshares,” up for silent auction, and donated the proceeds to Sunsar Maya. The auction was a great success and raised $200 for our organization.

We want to personally thank Christine for supporting Sunsar Maya through her art and for providing an opportunity to educate others about our mission.

Thank you Christine!

Have a creative way you would like to support Sunsar Maya? Please email us at


Students Supporting Sunsar Maya


The Newest Member of the SuMa family